5 Steps to Starting Your Own Compost Bin

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With all of the problems the environment is facing lately, more and more people are trying to be more environmentally friendly. There are a lot of things you can do at home to be more eco-friendly, like reducing heating and air conditioning use or starting a compost bin. So let’s take a look at how you can start your very own compost bin at home and do your part to help the environment.  

Find a Large Container

First things first, get a nice big container to use for your compost bin. You should consider keeping the bin outside so it can get some sun and be easier to water. The bin should be fairly large, but you don’t need anything huge. Once you have your bin, start by putting down a layer of twigs or straw so the soil can drain more easily and get better airflow.

Add Compost Materials

Now comes the fun part—adding compost materials. The good news is that you can compost a lot of your food waste. Things like fruit and veggie scraps, eggshells, coffee grounds and tea leaves can all be composted. But you should also add in “brown” waste, which can be things like dry leaves, wood chips and pine needles, because these materials help break down any food scraps you put in.

And if you’re one of the 88 percent of people who say receiving flowers positively impacts their mood, here’s some good news—you can add dead flowers and cuttings to your compost pile once they’ve lived out their lives in your kitchen.

You should know that there are a few things you shouldn’t compost. If you’re adding plants or weeds to your compost, make sure they’re not diseased, because they’ll do more harm than good. Any meat or fish scraps should also be avoided. And consider leaving out fruit peels, like orange rinds or banana peels, because they may contain pesticide residue.

Throw in Some Manure

Once you’ve added your materials, throw some manure in there. Manure can consist of things like grass clippings or wheatgrass that will help activate the compost. And don’t forget to keep the compost moist, either by watering it regularly or letting rain into the bin.

Cover the Compost

Covering the compost is important, too—you can cover it with wood, plastic sheeting or just a lid for the bin. This will help keep the compost moist and warm, which quickens the compost process.

Turn the Pile Every Few Weeks

And just like that, you’ll have your very own compost bin. You should turn the compost pile with a shovel or another tool every few weeks to aerate the compost. And when it looks and feels like soil, you can use it for whatever you’d like! Whether you’re using it in your own garden or a community garden, you can feel great about turning your waste into something useful.

No Eco-Friendly Action Is Too Small

Society is making large strides toward becoming more eco-friendly. In fact, more than one-third of today’s paper is made from recycled fiber. So even something small, like starting your own compost bin, is a great way to do your part in helping the environment.

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