Saving Money and Making Money by Going Green at Home

It’s easier to go green than ever before, and the technology and the energy market are finally aligning to make it more affordable to achieve energy independence at home. By taking a few steps in the right direction, you can start saving money on electricity and gas, invest in home power generation to save even more, and perhaps generate an income for you and your family.

Here is a quick guide to how anyone can start saving money (and maybe making some money) by going green at home and gaining energy independence.

Reduce Your Existing Costs Now

The easiest way to start saving money is to reduce your regular outgoings to give yourself a regular saving you can count on. If you can bring down your utility bills and outgoings, you can save a hundred pounds or more a month.

The first thing you should do is take steps to reduce your energy consumption. The least expensive energy is the energy you don’t use in the first place, so consider making some changes to your daily routine to lower your consumption.

Even something simple like unplugging small appliances and devices that aren’t in use can add up to some significant energy savings. You can also compare gas and electric deals. Big savings can be made if you take the time to compare gas and electric rates ahead of time.

Invest Your Savings in Green Tech

Take the money you save every month and invest in energy-saving alternatives that can increase the amount you save on gas and electricity. If you haven’t switched to LED or CFL bulbs, you should – it’s a tiny change that won’t impact your lifestyle but will have a positive impact on your expenses.

Switching to energy-efficient appliances can also have a big impact, as will investing in high-quality wall and loft insulation, paired with energy-efficient windows. Even low-tech solutions, like finding and sealing air leaks in your home, can make a huge difference to your heating bills.

Use Home Energy Generation and Storage to Create an Income

roofs with solar panels - how to save money and gain energy independence

With these simple, first step, investments in place, you can begin to make bigger and greener investments in your home.

Home solar and battery storage technology is revolutionising the way people can generate power at home, even in areas that don’t get a lot of sunny days. Solar technology is rapidly becoming more affordable and accessible, and with it, people are making substantial savings on energy costs and even creating an income through the power they sell back to the grid. With the right solar and battery system, any home can make a huge stride towards energy independence.

Invest Your New Energy Income in an EV

If you find your regular savings have really mounted up, and you’ve started to generate a small income from your home solar system, you might find you can afford to finance an Electric Vehicle. Electric Vehicles are another technology that’s quickly decreasing in price and increasing in accessibility.

By cutting out your petrol or diesel costs, you are making a massive regular saving and taking a huge chunk out of your carbon footprint. With your home solar charging stations and your low-cost energy supply, you might just have all you need to keep yourself moving without spending a penny on petrol.

Combine It All for Energy Independence and Increased Revenue

When you start to save more, you can invest in more home solar and other advanced energy-saving technology. This creates bigger savings and reduces bills further, or even maximises the amount you receive from selling your excess energy.

If you have some spare garden space, you can add an array of solar panels to generate even more energy for you to use or sell. Adding this extra capacity often allows homes to achieve full energy independence.

Over the next decade, we are going to see huge leaps in technology that will allow people to free themselves of high energy costs and switch to a cleaner and greener way of life. Start looking at ways to save and invest in your home energy supply today!

Feature image: Riccardo Annandale; Image 1: Vivint Solar

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